The Daily Meaning

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    Daily Meaning Reader

Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

Savor the Glimpses

Have you ever accomplished something you worked hard on, but didn't get the gratification of seeing if/how your work even made a difference? Whew, I'm so glad I'm not alone. Much of what we do involves trust. We put in the work, do the grind, endeavor to do something that matters, and trust it will mean something to someone.

Have you ever accomplished something you worked hard on, but didn't get the gratification of seeing if/how your work even made a difference? Whew, I'm so glad I'm not alone. Much of what we do involves trust. We put in the work, do the grind, endeavor to do something that matters, and trust it will mean something to someone. When I used to make Casey's pizzas in high school, I would put in the work and trust someone would enjoy their slice. When I used to rake sand traps at the golf course, I trusted someone would appreciate the fact they were clean and kept. When I invested in relationships with my youth group kids, I trusted my influence was impacting their lives. When I managed billion-dollar real estate portfolios for my clients, I trusted my work would provide them with peace of mind and returns that exceeded their expectations.

It's common to do work and never really know if our actions make an impact. It's the trust that carries us through. Well, for many, it's the paycheck. The paycheck carries them through. Sometimes, though, we're blessed with a little glimpse into what our work is genuinely doing. This week, my friends in Los Angeles asked if I'd be willing to go speak again. Not once, but two more times (once in October and once in January). They said my previous events received such positive feedback from their audiences that it was a must-have to bring me back. Wow, that really touched me. It was a small glimpse into the impact I'm making.

I don't get these glimpses often, but I'm beyond grateful when I do. I once received a DM from a stranger in New Zealand who said our podcast changed his life and marriage. Wow! My friend, Chi-Chung, wrote a post on social media last week, describing how a cup of coffee and my blog are the first two things he does to start his day. He even added that I'm one of his "favorite bloggers." Wow! I recently received a handwritten note from a former client detailing how our coaching relationship changed their life forever. Wow!

These moments don't always happen, so cherish them when they do. We don't do what we do to get a pat on the back, but man, those pats feel good when they come. These little moments remind us why we do what we do. We don't need these reminders daily, but they are much needed when we're having a bad day/week. When we want to give up, these little glimpses can provide the energy and motivation to keep moving forward.

On the flip side, this may be our reminder to give other people their own glimpses. I probably don't reach out to say "thank you" enough. I probably don't share enough about how someone impacted my journey. I probably don't shine a light on people's amazing work enough. Let this be our call to action. And by "our," I mean mine.

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Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

Taking Advantage of THOSE Moments

One of my friends/clients just experienced a significant moment in his life. It's one of THOSE moments, which come in various shapes and sizes. Some are the result of skill, some luck, and others a combination of the two. Each of us will experience a handful of these opportunities in life.....some more, some less. This situation is the first real moment in my friend's young journey. In his case, it looks like a large sum of money coming his way. It's one of THOSE moments!

One of my friends/clients just experienced a significant moment in his life. It's one of THOSE moments, which come in various shapes and sizes. Some are the result of skill, some luck, and others a combination of the two. Each of us will experience a handful of these opportunities in life.....some more, some less. This situation is the first real moment in my friend's young journey. In his case, it looks like a large sum of money coming his way. It's one of THOSE moments!

Here's the problem with these types of moments. When they happen, they often feel overwhelming. The moment feels large, the opportunity great, and the responsibility weighty. These types of moments open up so many paths, but many of those paths are fruitless endeavors. Sadly, in all my years walking alongside people in this area of money, most people will throw away these types of moments. Most of these moments get squandered. Not intentionally, usually. If handled right, these moments can materially alter our lives. If handled poorly, at best, they turn into nothing burgers; at worst, they sow the seeds of eventual regret and resentment. 

As I was talking to my friend yesterday, I reminded him that, if done right, this moment has the power to change his life, as well as the lives of others. It's an amazing opportunity for him, and I encouraged him in his decision-making process. What path will he take? Only time will tell. 

I've had a handful of THOSE moments in my life. Most of the time I've gotten it right, and I attribute much of where I am today to those critical decisions. Although the thousands of decisions we make each day matter, some carry more water than others. THOSE moments can have a monumental impact on our journey. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

  • Receiving a sum of money or inheritance.

  • The opportunity to say "yes" (or "no") to a major job/career opportunity.

  • Declining to pursue significant materialistic endeavors (especially early in the journey).

  • Doing that ridiculously generous act, even if it doesn't seem to make logical sense. It will change you from the inside out.

  • Getting on that plane, even though what's on the other side of the flight is scary, unknown, or uncomfortable. 

  • Starting that business that you're afraid will fail.

Each of us will have a handful of THOSE moments in our lifetime, and how we respond will likely shape the trajectory of our life. It's a scary but empowering thought. I pray for clarity and confidence as you experience yours. 

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Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

"Never Again!!!!!"

One of my clients just paid off a ton of credit card debt. It’s a debt they’ve had off and on for the better part of two decades. Now, after about a year of intense work and dedication, it’s gone! When I asked them how it felt to have it finally paid off, they didn’t react with excitement or enthusiasm. Instead, they looked disgusted. “Never again!!!", exclaimed the wife. It was as if years of frustration were let loose in that moment.

One of my clients just paid off a ton of credit card debt. It’s a debt they’ve had off and on for the better part of two decades. Now, after about a year of intense work and dedication, it’s gone! When I asked them how it felt to have it finally paid off, they didn’t react with excitement or enthusiasm. Instead, they looked disgusted. “Never again!!!", exclaimed the wife. It was as if years of frustration were let loose in that moment.

“Never again.” That moment represented a lot of different things to that couple. For me, it felt like a turning point. History has repeated itself multiple times for them over the years. Debt, pay off, debt, pay off. This time, however, feels different. They know better is waiting for them. They now have the tools to move past the debt and never let it haunt them again. They have a bigger purpose and the hunger to pursue it.

This idea applies to many areas of our life, money included. Sometimes we’re not ready until we’re ready. If we’re not ready, there’s almost nothing we can do to get it right. But if we are ready, there’s almost nothing that can stop us. If it goes the way I think it will, this will be the launching point of many good things to come for their family. I will always remember my “never again” moments (there were several), and I suspect they will, too.

Three important things happen when we reach this moment:

1) We prove to ourselves that anything is possible.

2) We prove to ourselves it’s never too late.

3) We model for others a better way. If we can do it, so can they.

It changes our lives, as well as the lives of other people around us. How cool is that?!?! Powerful stuff! Let’s get to work.

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Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

Enjoying the Little Moments

Yesterday, while in the middle of a coaching session, the tables were turned on me. The client is a very successful business owner who is notoriously hard on herself. The conversation morphed into a discussion about how, on multiple occasions, she stopped to enjoy the little moments throughout the month. A client of hers reached a milestone. A testimonial where someone shared how much my client impacted their life. A staff member who had a breakthrough. A day when she was able to step away from the business to enjoy time with her family. Awesome little moments.

Yesterday, while in the middle of a coaching session, the tables were turned on me. The client is a very successful business owner who is notoriously hard on herself. The conversation morphed into a discussion about how, on multiple occasions, she stopped to enjoy the little moments throughout the month. A client of hers reached a milestone. A testimonial where someone shared how much my client impacted their life. A staff member who had a breakthrough. A day when she was able to step away from the business to enjoy time with her family. Awesome little moments.

She said, “I tried to stop and just enjoy these little moments. Just soaked them in. And so should you.” So should I?!?! She nailed me. She knows me very well. That’s what happens when you spend enough time with someone. I’m not perfect. I know that and she knows that. She’s so right. In the hustle and bustle of work and life, it’s easy to just move past the moment and move on to the next thing. I do it ALL. THE. TIME.

It made me reflect on how many little moments I just let pass me by. I think back to launching our podcast. We recorded four episodes in that first sitting, then edited, then published……then we both went about our busy days. I’m not sure we took even 5 minutes to acknowledge how awesome that was. Last week was our podcast’s two-year anniversary. Neither Cole nor I recognized it or talked about it. I didn’t even talk to him or see him that day. Unless he reads this, I’m not even sure he remembered. What a shame for him and I to let that little moment pass us by.

Here’s my commitment. I’m going to try to enjoy the next little moment. Big or small, busy or not, I’m going to take a moment to soak it in. How about you? Will you try to join me by celebrating your next little moment?

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