Enjoying the Little Moments

Yesterday, while in the middle of a coaching session, the tables were turned on me. The client is a very successful business owner who is notoriously hard on herself. The conversation morphed into a discussion about how, on multiple occasions, she stopped to enjoy the little moments throughout the month. A client of hers reached a milestone. A testimonial where someone shared how much my client impacted their life. A staff member who had a breakthrough. A day when she was able to step away from the business to enjoy time with her family. Awesome little moments.

She said, “I tried to stop and just enjoy these little moments. Just soaked them in. And so should you.” So should I?!?! She nailed me. She knows me very well. That’s what happens when you spend enough time with someone. I’m not perfect. I know that and she knows that. She’s so right. In the hustle and bustle of work and life, it’s easy to just move past the moment and move on to the next thing. I do it ALL. THE. TIME.

It made me reflect on how many little moments I just let pass me by. I think back to launching our podcast. We recorded four episodes in that first sitting, then edited, then published……then we both went about our busy days. I’m not sure we took even 5 minutes to acknowledge how awesome that was. Last week was our podcast’s two-year anniversary. Neither Cole nor I recognized it or talked about it. I didn’t even talk to him or see him that day. Unless he reads this, I’m not even sure he remembered. What a shame for him and I to let that little moment pass us by.

Here’s my commitment. I’m going to try to enjoy the next little moment. Big or small, busy or not, I’m going to take a moment to soak it in. How about you? Will you try to join me by celebrating your next little moment?


It is Good


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