Taking Advantage of THOSE Moments

One of my friends/clients just experienced a significant moment in his life. It's one of THOSE moments, which come in various shapes and sizes. Some are the result of skill, some luck, and others a combination of the two. Each of us will experience a handful of these opportunities in life.....some more, some less. This situation is the first real moment in my friend's young journey. In his case, it looks like a large sum of money coming his way. It's one of THOSE moments!

Here's the problem with these types of moments. When they happen, they often feel overwhelming. The moment feels large, the opportunity great, and the responsibility weighty. These types of moments open up so many paths, but many of those paths are fruitless endeavors. Sadly, in all my years walking alongside people in this area of money, most people will throw away these types of moments. Most of these moments get squandered. Not intentionally, usually. If handled right, these moments can materially alter our lives. If handled poorly, at best, they turn into nothing burgers; at worst, they sow the seeds of eventual regret and resentment. 

As I was talking to my friend yesterday, I reminded him that, if done right, this moment has the power to change his life, as well as the lives of others. It's an amazing opportunity for him, and I encouraged him in his decision-making process. What path will he take? Only time will tell. 

I've had a handful of THOSE moments in my life. Most of the time I've gotten it right, and I attribute much of where I am today to those critical decisions. Although the thousands of decisions we make each day matter, some carry more water than others. THOSE moments can have a monumental impact on our journey. Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

  • Receiving a sum of money or inheritance.

  • The opportunity to say "yes" (or "no") to a major job/career opportunity.

  • Declining to pursue significant materialistic endeavors (especially early in the journey).

  • Doing that ridiculously generous act, even if it doesn't seem to make logical sense. It will change you from the inside out.

  • Getting on that plane, even though what's on the other side of the flight is scary, unknown, or uncomfortable. 

  • Starting that business that you're afraid will fail.

Each of us will have a handful of THOSE moments in our lifetime, and how we respond will likely shape the trajectory of our life. It's a scary but empowering thought. I pray for clarity and confidence as you experience yours. 


Standard of Living vs. Quality of Life


It Depends On How You Look at It