"Never Again!!!!!"

One of my clients just paid off a ton of credit card debt. It’s a debt they’ve had off and on for the better part of two decades. Now, after about a year of intense work and dedication, it’s gone! When I asked them how it felt to have it finally paid off, they didn’t react with excitement or enthusiasm. Instead, they looked disgusted. “Never again!!!", exclaimed the wife. It was as if years of frustration were let loose in that moment.

“Never again.” That moment represented a lot of different things to that couple. For me, it felt like a turning point. History has repeated itself multiple times for them over the years. Debt, pay off, debt, pay off. This time, however, feels different. They know better is waiting for them. They now have the tools to move past the debt and never let it haunt them again. They have a bigger purpose and the hunger to pursue it.

This idea applies to many areas of our life, money included. Sometimes we’re not ready until we’re ready. If we’re not ready, there’s almost nothing we can do to get it right. But if we are ready, there’s almost nothing that can stop us. If it goes the way I think it will, this will be the launching point of many good things to come for their family. I will always remember my “never again” moments (there were several), and I suspect they will, too.

Three important things happen when we reach this moment:

1) We prove to ourselves that anything is possible.

2) We prove to ourselves it’s never too late.

3) We model for others a better way. If we can do it, so can they.

It changes our lives, as well as the lives of other people around us. How cool is that?!?! Powerful stuff! Let’s get to work.


Life Advice Sunday


The Cost of Status