The Daily Meaning

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    Daily Meaning Reader

Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

What Do You Collect?

We, humans, love to collect. According to psychologists, people collect for different reasons. Some collect out of a sense of nostalgia. Others collect as a way to shape or reflect their identity. Some people are allured to the hunt. Others find value in things that will remain even after they pass away. Another fun theory is that collecting is “a way for a man to attract potential mates by signaling his ability to accumulate resources.” Ah, to think all those baseball cards I accumulated when I was 8 years old would later land me a wife……thanks, Ryne Sandberg rookie cards!!!

We, humans, love to collect. According to psychologists, people collect for different reasons. Some collect out of a sense of nostalgia. Others collect as a way to shape or reflect their identity. Some people are allured to the hunt. Others find value in things that will remain even after they pass away. Another fun theory is that collecting is “a way for a man to attract potential mates by signaling his ability to accumulate resources.” Ah, to think all those baseball cards I accumulated when I was 8 years old would later land me a wife……thanks, Ryne Sandberg rookie cards!!!

I love asking people about their collecting habits. They are as unique as fingerprints. Everyone seems to have their own thing, for their own reasons. My friend Gary collects license plates from all the countries he travels to. They are a reminder of the memories made and relationships created. A few of my friends collect vintage video games, which remind them of their childhood wonderment when they were first introduced to 8-bit gaming. A few of my friends collect Star Wars memorabilia because, well, they just really love Star Wars. Some of my friends collect guns and/or cars, partly because they enjoy using them and partly because they are fascinated by the engineering.

When I was younger, I collected sports cards, Michael Jordan memorabilia, and CDs. Over time, my collecting habits died out. When I ask myself why they died, I think part of it was because I became busy with other things, combined with the fact my life became more transient by moving all over the place. It’s hard to collect when you don’t take the time and don’t have a place to store things. I did dabble in watches, and I do buy a fair number of books, but there’s nothing in my life that I would call “my thing.”

I think I need something….but don’t know what. Please help me brainstorm. What do you collect? Why do you collect it? How has it added value to your life? I want to hear from you. Please drop a note in the comments below!

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Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

Wanna Be Like Mike

When I was a kid, I remember watching and re-watching an epic Gatorade commercial featuring Michael Jordan. Here’, I’ll jog your memory:

When I was a kid, I remember watching and re-watching an epic Gatorade commercial featuring Michael Jordan. Here’, I’ll jog your memory:

Everyone wanted to be like Mike, and so did I! After all, he IS the GOAT! Eventually, though, I realized I probably wouldn’t be all that much like Mike. My growth spurt stopped at 5’9”, I entered my 40s, and my jumper is a tad (ok, a ton) rusty. I suspect my NBA dreams died before they had a chance to flourish. I’ll take that one up with my therapist.

I have so many fond memories of that Mike, but today I’m talking about a different Mike. This Mike is a high school teacher with a passion for young people. He spends his livelihood equipping teens to be good stewards with their money and careers. He’s a connector, a leader, and an encourager. The last part is where I want to focus today. Mike is a masterful encourager. I’ve seen it with his students and I’ve experienced it first-hand. This guy went from stranger, to acquaintance, to friend, to brother in a matter of about six months. Every time I see him, he’s exploding with energy, has an insightful idea for me to consider, and somehow lifts me up. Even a 30-second interaction with him makes my day better.

When I’m feeling fatigued, doubtful, or defeated, Mike seems to pop out of nowhere with the best encouragement. He often seems like my biggest cheerleader, but I suspect others would say the very same thing about him. That’s why I wanna be like Mike. He has a gift, and he uses it to make this world a better place. In some ways, I feel like I do some of these things, too……but someday I hope to do them as well as Mike does. That’s the impact people like Mike can have. Their mere presence in other people’s lives has the power to multiply that very spirit of love and generosity. What a gift!

When I used to wanna be like Mike, it meant hitting a soul-crushing buzzer-beater over Craig Ehlo’s dome. Today, when I wanna be like Mike, it means I want to make an impact on those around me, creating a multiplying and lasting difference in this world.

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Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

Are You Tired?

After youth group last night, I was chatting with my close friends, Wendy and Heather. Mid-conversation, I asked, “Do you have any ideas for tomorrow morning’s blog? My brain feels empty…..I’m tired.” They quickly responded, “That’s your post right there. You aren’t the only one who’s tired.”

After youth group last night, I was chatting with my close friends, Wendy and Heather. Mid-conversation, I asked, “Do you have any ideas for tomorrow morning’s blog? My brain feels empty…..I’m tired.” They quickly responded, “That’s your post right there. You aren’t the only one who’s tired.”

We’re in the second week of the year, coming off the heels of a 5-week holiday season, too much food, more travel than usual, winter break for the kids, and dealing with brutal weather throughout all of it. No wonder we’re exhausted! There’s something so exciting about a new year. A fresh start. A blank canvas. A clean slate. Endless possibilities! So when it seems like I’m limping into the new year, it’s embarrassing (and demoralizing).

I operate under the expectation that I must bring my best to the table each day. I’ve always been wired this way. Anything but my best feels like I’m cheating myself and those I serve. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized something. While I still believe I must bring my best each day, I’m learning my “best” isn’t the same from day to day. Some days I have the opportunity to be the best Michael Jordan I can be, but there are other days I’m striving to be the best Ron Harper I can be. Ron Harper is no Michael Jordan, but he’s still pretty good and can make an impact. Today felt like a Ron Harper type of day. My peak wasn’t as high as I would have liked, but I think I reached it. That’s all I can ask for. Maybe my peak tomorrow will be Michael Jordan, but it might be Ron Harper (or even Jud Buechler). Either way, I owe it to myself (and those I serve) to be 100% of whatever that is.

Are you tired? You’re not alone. Whatever your peak is today, whether it’s Michael Jordan or Ron Harper, strive to reach it. Give yourself grace if it’s not a Michael Jordan sort of day. Maybe tomorrow will be, but today you may need to be the best Ron Harper you can be!

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