The Daily Meaning

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    Daily Meaning Reader

Travis Shelton Travis Shelton

When You Take a Step Back

In all the craziness of life, do you ever take a step back and realize how far you’ve come? Or maybe you realize life looks a lot different than you anticipated it playing out? Or perhaps you just shake your head that you’ve been blessed in so many ways? As I’m writing this (late Wednesday night), I can’t help but think about all those things.

In all the craziness of life, do you ever take a step back and realize how far you’ve come? Or maybe you realize life looks a lot different than you anticipated it playing out? Or perhaps you just shake your head that you’ve been blessed in so many ways? As I’m writing this (late Wednesday night), I can’t help but think about all those things.

Today was a blur. I had an owner’s meeting for our coffee company. I had a board meeting for a local organization I’m honored to serve. I met with a client who is doing some amazing things. I popped into another client’s office to do some project work. I recorded a few podcast episodes. I had dinner with the family and walked the kids to a local ice cream shop to enjoy a little treat. I enjoyed time with my high school youth group kids. After that, I immediately hopped on a 10 PM discovery call with an Australian podcast. Now, it’s approaching midnight and I’m trying to pack for a 6 AM flight to Phoenix for a generosity conference. That 4 AM wake-up is going to hit hard! Wow!

I’m glad not every day is like this, but it’s a stark reminder of all those ponderings I mentioned above. Life is crazy. Very few of these things existed even 12 months ago. Yet, today they are a fundamental part of my life. If you get a chance, I recommend you pause, take a step back, and reflect. You’ve probably come much further than you think. It probably looks a lot different than you anticipated. You’re probably more blessed than you believe. It’s so easy to lose sight of these things. I usually do, but I’m grateful I accidentally stumbled into it tonight.

Have an awesome day, all! Enjoy the journey…..every twist and turn.

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