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"I Did It!!!"
One of the main topics I teach in our high school money class is how it’s possible for every single person to graduate from college debt-free. Not surprisingly, this is a very controversial idea. Our culture teaches us that we are either a have or a have-not, and our student loan fate rests in which one we are. I think this toxic belief is one of the primary reasons why much of our society is crippled with a ton of student loan debt.
One of the main topics I teach in our high school money class is how it’s possible for every single person to graduate from college debt-free. Not surprisingly, this is a very controversial idea. Our culture teaches us that we are either a have or a have-not, and our student loan fate rests in which one we are. I think this toxic belief is one of the primary reasons why much of our society is crippled with a ton of student loan debt.
Since I’ve been teaching these ideas for more than 10 years, I’ve accumulated many stories…..both good and bad. Here’s one that’s all too common. Many years ago, a young lady in my class was stunned and excited to hear that she could potentially go to college debt-free. She asked if I would meet with her and her mom to discuss it further. Of course, I’d love to do that! She comes back to class a week later, looking a bit down. When I asked her how she was doing, she replied, “I told my mom about what we talked about last week. She said you are a liar and it’s not possible to go to college without debt.” Needless to say, the family declined my invitation to discuss ideas on how to make it happen. Fast forward a handful of years and this young lady graduated college with $65,000 of student loan debt.
Now, I’ll share a different kind of story. Several years ago, there was a young man who attended the class. He, too, got excited about the idea of not having student loan debt. He really internalized the idea that he could go to college debt-free. He explained to me that his family already told him they wouldn’t be helping him in any way. It was 100% on him to pay for his college and living expenses. Yet, he was intent on graduating college…..and doing it without debt. He chose the same college as the young lady above. I haven’t seen or talked to this young man since he graduated high school. Last week, I received a random text from him that read, “I did it!!!!!” I had no idea what he was talking about, so I asked him to clarify. He went on to explain how he will be graduating college next month…..with zero debt! He was beyond proud of this accomplishment, and even more excited for what his future holds. He did it, indeed!
Same class, same college choice, similar backgrounds…..vastly different outcomes. The difference? One believed it could be done and the other didn’t. You could argue he put in the work and she didn’t, but that’s not exactly fair. He did indeed put in the work…..he worked so hard. But she’s the type of person who would have put in the work as well……had she believed the mission was possible.
Our mind is a crazy thing. The stories we tell ourselves have the power to propel…..and the power to sabotage. It’s amazing what can happen when we believe.
It's Why You Play the Game
Coming into today, only one time in 151 opportunities has a #16 seed beat a #1 seed in the NCAA tournament. Enter Fairleigh Dickinson University. I just witnessed them take down #1 Purdue in stunning fashion.
Coming into today, only one time in 151 opportunities has a #16 seed beat a #1 seed in the NCAA tournament. Enter Fairleigh Dickinson University. I just witnessed them take down #1 Purdue in stunning fashion. Last season, FDU’s coach and starting backcourt were at the Division 2 level. FDU didn’t actually qualify for the NCAA tournament. Rather, they got in based on a technicality that prohibited their conference champion from being eligible. On the other side of the coin, Purdue finished the season ranked #3 in the country and has regularly been in discussion as a legit title contender. Based on history (1 out of 151), FDU had a 0.7% chance to win the game. Yet, here we are! That’s why you play the game.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right.” I love that Henry Ford quote. There’s so much truth in it. Just yesterday, I read an article about how Purdue’s coaching staff and players were upset by a “disrespectful” comment recently made by FDU’s coach. "The more I see Purdue, the more I think we can beat them.” Wow, how dare a coach actually believe in his team…..the disrespect!!!! FDU entered the NCAA tournament on a technicality, with a coach and players fresh from Division 2, with history showing they had a 0.7% chance of winning, and shocked the world.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right. This doesn’t just apply to March Madness. It carries into every area of our life. Nothing worth doing is easy. FDU had two options coming into this game: 1) recognize they had nearly zero chance to win the game, just be happy being there while conceding an inevitable defeat, or 2) believe they have a chance, give it everything they got, and see how the cards fall. I think they choose door #2.
Whatever it is in your life, I hope you choose door #2 as well. It might not go your way. You might not succeed. You might fail. You might come up short of your goal. Or your dreams might just come true. There’s only one way to find out. It’s why you play the game.