If You Won the Lottery

What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow? Would you stay at your current job? Would you immediately quit? Would you try something different? Would you take a different job in the same industry? Would you shift to an entirely different industry? Think about your answer before moving on to the next paragraph………





Ok, I’m back. If your answer was anything other than “keep doing what I’m doing now”, why? What is it about receiving a bunch of money that propels us from the work we’re doing today to the work we dream of doing someday? I think the answer is generally pretty simple: security and comfort. When we feel secure and have comfort, we’re more inclined to go do the thing we’re meant to do.

If that’s true, can we also say we’re willingly throwing away our dreams and unique calling by consciously (or subconsciously) pursuing security and comfort? If you know exactly what you’d do if you won the lottery, and it’s different than what you’re doing now, does it mean you’ve placed security and comfort over a more meaningful life?

It’s an interesting question to ponder. Hope you have a wonderful day!


"I Would Have Felt Guilty"


Simple, But Hard