Simple, But Hard

When talking to friends and acquaintances throughout the course of life, I regularly hear criticisms and complaints about financially irresponsible people in their life. Maybe it’s their grown child, neighbor, sibling, friend, or colleague. Since I’m the guy who helps people with money, they perceive me as a good outlet to vent these frustrations.

On one hand, I completely get where they are coming from. We should handle money better…..and doing so is simple. However, just because it’s simple, it doesn’t make it easy. I believe personal finance is really, really simple, and really, really hard. Telling someone in your life to “do it better” is a fool’s game. That would be like me unsuccessfully trying to rotate the tires on my car and having my mechanically inclined brother-in-law tell me to just “do it better.” It may be simple, but it’s hard. I was never taught, so how would I know how to do it?

But here’s where it gets beautiful. If I desire to learn how to rotate tires AND my brother-in-law is willing to teach me, I too will learn the art and science of rotating tires. It’s simple, but hard.

Finance is the same way. If there are people in your life who struggle with finances and have the desire to get better, you have the power to teach them or connect them with the resources that can. It’s simple, but hard.

If you’re looking for a cheap and simple resource, we have a podcast. It’s free, it’s good (I’m totally biased), there’s a ton of content (170+ episodes), and its packaged in succinct 10-15 minute bites.


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