The Problem With More

“The problem with more is every time we get more, more is still more.”

- Travis Shelton

Yes, I just quoted myself (#partyfoul). I say this all the time. If you’ve spent any length of time with me, this has undoubtedly come out of my mouth at some point. We have a “more” problem in our culture. Nicer cars, bigger houses, newer tech, grander trips. More, more, and more.

None of these things are inherently bad, but more doesn’t satiate. This is the curse. Every time we get more, we receive a glorious and instant dopamine hit…..only to feel a void once the high subsides. And the only way to get that feeling again? More. And the cycle continues.

The pursuit of more feels like we’re a hamster running on a wheel. There are only two natural outcomes: 1) we jump off the wheel and stop the madness, or 2) we eventually run ourselves into the ground. Unfortunately, most people are choosing the latter.


Simple, But Hard


Laugh, Then Move On