"I Would Have Felt Guilty"

I was recently meeting with a client who just did something out of character for his wiring. He purchased two things that were very much wants. Outdoor equipment and tickets to a few events. On the surface, these are very normal and customary purchases for most people…..but not for him. He’s wired as a big-time saver and these types of decisions don’t come easy for him. Despite what our cultural narrative says, not everyone is out there recklessly spending and spiraling themselves into debt. Many people deal with a polar opposite, but equally destructive habit: hoarding. This is a rampant problem caused by a “responsible” segment of our society that demonizes spending and applauds saving. And if saving some is applauded, saving more gets an even bigger applause. This sentiment, carried over years and decades, has led an entire generation into a hoarding mindset.

What I love about my young friend is his self-awareness of this potential pitfall in his behavior. He recognized it early, keenly knew it probably wasn’t healthy, then took steps to address it. Today, he has a healthy balance of saving, spending, and giving. When I asked him about these purchases, he was excited to share the news. It was pure and genuine excitement. He added, “Before we started working together, I would have felt guilty.” This time? No guilt. Not one ounce.

No guilt, no regrets, and no second-guessing. Just intentional decisions that fit into his broader plan, to create experiences with people he loves, which will turn into lifelong memories.


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