Netflix For the Entire Town!

I was recently in a coaching session when things got heated between the husband and wife. They were trying to figure out how to free up some cashflow in their monthly budget so they can lean into things they actually value. Here’s where the conversation broke down. One spouse wanted to cancel Netflix and the other wanted to cancel Hulu.

This in and of itself isn’t an interesting conversation……until I point out the fact they spend $3,000/month dining out and another $1,800 on their combined car payments. Yes, you read that correctly. We are arguing about a $15/month service fee when just these two other categories alone account for $4,800/month.

At some point, I jumped into the conversation with the line, “with how much you spend on food and your cars, you could buy Netflix for the entire town!”

This comment cut the tension and caused a laugh, then we moved on. This sounds crazy - because it is - but is a perfect example of what happens when we unintentionally create sacred cows in our life. Without knowing it, we turn certain things into a non-negotiable. We cement it in our life and never again stop to think that perhaps there’s a better approach. This couple turned dining out and their cars into sacred cows, even at the expense of so many things they believe in and dream about.

They now have an opportunity to make a choice. And not making a choice is still making a choice. The same goes for you, and for me.

* The couple gave me permission to share this story. They thought the absurdity of their situation could help others….or at least give them a laugh to start their day!


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