All It Takes is One

While recently giving a talk, I couldn’t help but notice two people in the audience who were talking to each other and laughing…..for nearly my entire talk! This isn’t uncommon, unfortunately. Every audience includes people who seem disengaged at best, and disruptive at worst. It’s easy to dwell on these people, as they stick out like a sore thumb. There were times in the past when I definitely would have been consumed by them.

Then, something happened that changed everything for me. There was one particular talk where a few audience members were especially disrespectful and disruptive. I dwelled on this for months, wondering if I was so boring that someone would disregard me altogether. Maybe six months after the talk, I received a letter in my business mailbox. It was from someone who had attended that talk. Their handwritten note explained how my talk completely changed the way they view work and money, and they just wanted to thank me for making a difference in their life.

Wow, all this time I was focusing on the wrong people. Instead of focusing on the disengaged few, I should have focused on those who were willing to be impacted. It’s hard, though, as our impact isn’t always visible. It happens behind the scenes, oftentimes long after we pass through someone’s life. If there were 200 people in that audience, knowing that even one person was positively impacted made it worthwhile for me. We’re never going to impact everyone……we may not even impact most. But if we put ourselves out there, do the hard work, and aim to serve, we will most certainly impact someone in a meaningful way. Sometimes we will learn about it, sometimes we won’t. In this particular situation, I received the privilege of learning about it. Ever since that day, I’ve been able to keep this dynamic in perspective. I’m not for everyone, but I’m for someone.

You’re not for everyone, but you’re for someone. You have an impact to make today! Not on everyone, but on someone. Many may disregard you, but someone will be transformed because of you. You may find out about it, but you might not. All it takes is one. Go serve that one!


Don't Gut the Good Stuff


Imposter Syndrome and the Death of Dreams