The Work Goes On

One of my friends recently left his job to do something else. He enjoyed his job and found a ton of fulfillment in it. He served a lot of people and made a significant impact on this world. But he felt a call to do something new in his life. In this new season of his career, he'll serve people differently. He'll use his gifts, passions, relationships, experiences, influence, and resources to find new ways to make an impact.

I'm excited for him! It will be an interesting shift considering he's been at his job for 50 years. Yes, 50 years! That's not a typo. He's been at his job since eight years before I was born!! He just turned 74, and he's excited for the next season of his career.

Many people probably look at him and think, "he should just retire and enjoy his life!" The truth is, he enjoys his life more than most people I know. That's the beauty of work that matters. He's pursued work that matters for a half-century, and he'll do the same for whatever remaining time God gives him.

Sure, he'll probably slow down a bit. After all, 74 isn't quite the same as 34. His hours may be shorter, and the physical intensity may decrease, but the impact will no doubt be just as profound (if not more) than the first 50 years of his career. After all, he enters the next season of his career with more relationships, experience, influence, and resources than he's ever had in his life. The world says he should pack it in and ride off into the sunset, where he can live a life of leisure and spend his life savings on himself. Instead, the work goes on, and his meaning bucket will remain filled to the brim. Faith, family, friends, mission, memories, and work that matters.

He could spend his remaining days golfing, sitting on the porch, or parked in front of the TV.....but he won't. His purpose is too great for that. Instead, he'll continue to do what he's called to do: make an impact.

This is what I call a role model!


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