Nine-Pound Pillows For the Win

As I'm on the road this week, I miss my pillow. But not in a little-kid-who-misses-his-blanket sort of way. I have a ridiculously amazing pillow....and it's not just any pillow! It's nine pounds of buckwheat hulls jammed into a piece of fabric. Yes, I sleep with a nine-pound pillow. Yes, it's as weird as it sounds. No, I don't know what buckwheat hulls are. Yes, it's fantastic.

About a year ago, I stumbled upon some random dude on social media who was touting "The 10 best products I purchased last year." Curious, I gave it a quick read to see if I could learn anything. Several items on the list were interesting, but none more than a nine-pound pillow filled with buckwheat hulls. This sounded mysterious and a bit new-age-y, but I was curious enough to find out. I forked over $38 and eagerly awaited its arrival. I'm not saying I sat at the window for hours waiting for the delivery truck to pull up, but I'm not saying I didn't. Then, it came!

The first few nights were rough. It was such a different experience that I couldn't tell if I loved it or hated it. Shortly, though, I thoroughly loved it. Sarah made fun of it and mocked it for months. In her defense, have you ever tried to change the pillowcase on a nine-pound pillow? It’s like trying to give a bath to a toddler…’s taxing. But then, something happened! I went to bed one night, and she had stolen it! She claimed she just needed a second pillow and had no other options. But she repeated her crimes on multiple occasions. Eventually, she confessed that she, too, loves the buckwheat pillow. I have a feeling we're about to have 18 pounds of buckwheat living on our bed. Weird times.....

Of all the purchases I've made over the last five years, never in a million years did I think a nine-pound pillow would top my list. But alas, it's been a game-changer for me. It's changed my sleep quality, and I rarely get neck soreness anymore. Some of the most impactful purchases come in the most unexpected packages. We shouldn't be afraid to try new things or to invest in products that can add value to our lives (even when it's a want!). Even better, many of these products are pretty affordable. Double win!

What about you? What's one product you purchased for less than $75 that added a shocking amount of value to your life? Curious minds want to know! If you leave a comment below or reply to the e-mail (if you're a subscriber), I'd love to aggregate all your ideas into a future post. Oh yeah, and I may just test them myself!


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Pulling Apart vs. Bringing Together