The Ripple Effects of Sharing

In the summer of 2020, just as the COVID lockdowns were starting to take hold, one of our friends gave us the surprise of all surprises. They unexpectedly reached out and asked if we wanted to spend a week at their condo in a popular lake town. We had never been to this town, but had always heard rave reviews. We excitedly and gratefully accepted their invitation. It was sincerely one of the best weeks our family had experienced in white a while. The following spring, the same friend reached out via text and asked what dates we wanted. Wait, what!?!? That wasn't a one-time event?!?! We did it again.....and similarly, it was an amazing experience for my family.

Fast forward to this week, and my family is in the midst of our fourth annual trip to our friends' condo. Grateful doesn't even begin to explain how we feel about this. It's become one of the most anticipated weeks of the year, for the kids and parents alike. We've created many memories on these trips, and the kids talk about it year-round.

As much as I enjoy being on the giving end of generosity, being on the receiving end of this ongoing generous gift is truly beautiful. Our friends have been blessed with this place, and instead of keeping it all to themselves (which they have every right to do), they choose to share it. I'm continually humbled by the gift and can't express my gratitude enough.

Generosity, in all its forms, has ripple effects. When someone is on either the giving or receiving side of generosity, it impacts them. That impact, sometimes visible and sometimes not, materializes in varying ways. For me, this specific act of generosity has inspired several ideas for generosity in my own journey. It's also become a cornerstone of my children's summer, giving them memories and experiences they wouldn't otherwise have. I suspect that when my kids eventually understand the magnatude of generosity shown to them in this act, they too will be inspired to their own forms of generosity.

Generosity always wins, but the ripple effects can span much broader and deeper than we'll ever know. It's a beautiful thing, and I'm always grateful to be on either side of it. Know that every generous act, whether on the giving or receiving end, has the opportunity to create ripple effects in someone's journey. That someone just may be you!


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Because That's What We Do