Because That's What We Do

Yesterday's episode was our 245th installment of the Meaning Over Money podcast (Spotify / Apple). With an average run time of 17 minutes per episode, that equates to nearly 70 hours of free content. Not only is it free, but it's evergreen content that can be consumed by people for years and decades to come. Yesterday's episode was somewhat unique, though. It's completely raw and unedited. No intro/outro, no sound-improving filters, no balancing out the dips and peaks, no cutting my f-bombs (just kidding....or am I?). It's just me, my microphone, and some ideas.

Given our crazy schedules this summer, our episode pipeline has completely dwindled, and we're making it work as we go. Thus, yesterday the world received a raw and unedited episode. It's not the first time we released an unedited episode. We've probably published +/- 8 in the history of our podcast. We don't prefer this type of content; we'd much rather send a manicured product into the world. But there's one very key reason why we do it. Because that's what we do. A new episode will be released every Monday and Wednesday, 52- weeks per year, with no exceptions.

The first time we posted this kind of content, I was nervous. After all, it's not the product we want to send into the world. However, our commitment is two episodes per week.....period. Because that's what we do. We aren't sending crap into the world. In fact, some of our unedited episodes have been some of the most complimented and commented on. We could easily justify not publishing an episode one week, then do it again a few months later. Next thing you know, not publishing episodes is just a normal part of our rhythm. Cole and I are the opposite. We publish episodes because that's what we do. We are here to add value to the world. Not because it's perfect, but because it matters. And done is always better than perfect.

Here's my encouragement today. Find something in your life - and I have a feeling you already know what it is - that becomes your "because that's what we do." No excuses, no walk-backs, no justifications. It is what it is because that's what it is. When you decide to follow through, no matter what, it will change you. It's changed me many times over, and I have a feeling it will be equally powerful in your journey!


The Ripple Effects of Sharing


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