First Things First

Whenever I post a video clip on social media (like this one) about the importance of pursuing meaning, I know I will get at least one reply of the following (paraphrased): “That’s a privileged thing to say. Some people are just trying to make ends meet.” I have three thoughts about this:

1) Yes, I couldn’t agree more. LOTS of people are struggling. First things first, we need to support our family. Life is about seasons, and some seasons are about simply getting by. It’s not fun, and the work may not provide a ton of meaning, but taking care of our family is critically important. I applaud everyone who is doing this. It’s difficult, noble work.

2) Embedded in these comments is a common belief that we have to choose between meaning and money. I’m not suggesting that at all. For many - dare I say most - you can have more meaning AND as much money. I’m not suggesting we choose less money. Rather, I’m suggesting we simply choose meaning.

3) Most people who are absorbing my content are doing okay to good when it comes to their finances. By taking these sorts of positions, they get to excuse themselves from having to make this decision. In other words, if you can’t make this decision, there’s not really a decision to make.

I recently spoke with a man who reads this blog. I’ve never met him in real life, but he reached out about his story. He said his family decided to pursue meaning in late 2022 when an interesting job opened up. He reluctantly took a 25% pay cut because he truly believed in the work. He said adjusting financially was challenging, but life was so much more fulfilling due to this switch. Fast forward several months and he gets unexpectedly promoted to a new position that pays more than the job he left. Wow!

I’m not suggesting everyone will experience the same thing this man did, but I thought the story was worth sharing. First things first, we need to care for our family. But once we do, meaning. Always meaning.


Coming Full Circle in Omaha


Facing Fears Head-On