A Good Day's Work

Have I ever mentioned how much I love work? Not because it's fun (it's often not), but because it matters. There's something really fulfilling about waking up in the morning, serving people well, using our gifts and talents, and coming home knowing we gave it everything we had. Yesterday was a perfect example of it:

  • 4:45 AM: Woke up in Midland, TX, and made my way to the airport.

  • 7:00 AM: Flight to Houston.

  • 9:00 AM: Tour of my client's dry ice manufacturing facility and meetings with their team.

  • 1:30 PM: Drive to the Houston airport.

  • 3:00 PM: Flight back to Midland.

  • 4:30 PM: In the office to continue making headway on our project.

  • 7:30 PM: Dinner with my client.

  • 9:00 PM: Back to the hotel

It was a 16-hour whirlwind. Not what I would do every day, but it was an amazingly satisfying day. I was completely exhausted, but I felt great as the day wrapped up! I laid my head on the pillow knowing I did something worth doing. 

There was a season in my life where I might have thought to myself, "Ugh, I can't believe I'm still working." Now, It's an honor. Work isn't something we have to do.....it's something we get to do. Whenever we work, we serve people (co-workers, bosses, employees, customers, etc.) and add value to their lives. It's not always fun, but it matters. 

Work matters. Even if you're not at your dream job, your work still matters. Even if you're not working a ton of hours, your work still matters. Even if it feels like your job kinda sucks, your work still matters. Even if you’re working in a different industry than you’d like, your work still matters. Even if you're in an entry-level job, your work still matters. Please don't ever demean your role and the value you add to this world. It matters. It's a blessing to be able to work, and not everyone is physically and mentally healthy enough to do that. If you are, be grateful. It's a gift. 


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