Because Every Month Is Different

July has been absolutely bonkers for our family. By the time July comes to a close, one of both of us (Sarah or I) will have been traveling for 23 of the 31 days of the month. It’s a combination of work, fun, and family. With crazy summer travel comes a very common occurrence in households all across the country. Finances can become chaotic, unpredictable, and laxidazical. I have this conversation with clients all the time, reminding them they aren’t alone.

This brings into focus a topic I talk about frequently. Not only is it important to budget, but it’s important to make each month’s budget unique. Not doing so is one of the primary drivers for people struggling with finances in the summer. If you’re used to spending xyz on certain categories, summer will be like a grenade that lands in the middle of all of it…..and explodes.

Sarah and I knew July was going to be nuts, so we planned for the nuts. Since we’re on the road a lot, we cut back on groceries, but increased the dining out budget. We have less money allocated for the house, and more for the trips. Even the source of our income shifts in the summer, so we take that into account as well. The plan is never perfect, but we simply do the best we can.

When we take this proactive approach and enter new, unique months with intentionality, alignment, and a purpose, even the most chaotic situation can feel manageable. It’s been an awesome month. Lots of memories, lots of experiences, and lots of adventures. But when the dust settles, it won’t hinder us financially. I know this because the plan says so. I hope you’re having an awesome month, as well! And while you do, I hope you feel the same level of intentionality and control over your finances. You deserve it!


"I Can't Believe This Is My Life"


A Good Day's Work