You Aren't Alone

On August 7th, at a client's request, we published a podcast episode titled "Making Financial Progress While Inflation is Kicking Your Butt." In it, I shared a common experience many families across our country are going through. Inflation is doing a number on us. For millions of families, the inflation we've experienced over the past few years has eroded most (or all) of the financial margin they've managed to create. It's scary, frustrating, and defeating.

This week, I spent time with this client for the first time since that episode went live. They jokingly asked if that episode had gone viral. While it hasn't necessarily gone viral, at least 15-20 people have mentioned that specific episode to me. Comments such as, "that hit a little too close to home," "I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way," and "I feel like you understand what we're going through."

All this feedback illustrates an important and powerful point. We aren't alone. While we often feel like we're dealing with genuinely unique circumstances, they are often slight variations of what others are experiencing. I say this to highlight the fact you aren't alone. If true, there are a handful of implications:

  • You don't have to go through it alone.

  • If others can do it, so can you!

  • If others have done it, there are resources to learn and grow.

  • Success isn't's probable. We just need to keep moving forward. 

  • There will be people who try to tear you down with a victim mentality.....

  • .....but there will be people who try to encourage and support you.

I've experienced this first-hand over the past 15 years. When we were deeply in debt, I realized millions of others were as well. When I wanted to start a business, I realized millions of others had already gone down that road before me. When we struggled with fertility issues, I realized millions of others struggled as well. When we lost a child, I realized millions of others were also dealing with a similar pain. I wasn't alone, and neither are you.

With that in mind, don't be afraid to be open with others. With honesty comes support, and with support comes progress. Oh yeah, and never hesitate to hit me up if you need anything. I'd be honored to help. You aren't alone, and that's a beautiful thing. 


"It Feels Like I'm Living My Dream"


Shame On Me