When One Chapter Ends

Ten years ago, I was playing a game a pick-up basketball at church when I was unceremoniously punched in the groin. Yes, no better way to start a blog post than with a good ol’ fashion groin punch story. As I was laying in the fetal position trying to gain my composure, the perpetrator of said inadvertent punch approached me to apologize. He introduced himself as Doug Applegate, our church’s youth group director. I’m not sure why, but he decided an injured stranger was the perfect candidate to solicit for a volunteer youth group leader position. Considering I really didn’t care for teenagers, it seemed like a bad idea. However, I was always available to serve, especially when someone “needed” me. I told him I would check it out, then make a decision.

A few weeks later, I showed up at youth group to check out the middle school and high school groups. My middle school experience was a train wreck, because, well, middle school kids. That was the easiest “no” of my life. The high school group, however, was something different. While I was still hesitant, the kids fascinated me it was just interesting enough that I said “yes” to serving for a year. After all, Doug “needed” me. The following school years (2013-2014), I jumped in head-first into an adventure I never saw coming.

Fast forward 10 years. Last night was my last night as a youth group leader. 10 years!?!? Words cannot properly communicate what this youth group has meant to me. These are my people. The kids, my fellow leaders, the parents. Some of the most important people in my life have come as a result of my time as a youth group leader. Doug (you know, the guy who punched me) has become a big brother to me. I’ve learned so much from him over the years, he gave me so many opportunities to use my gifts/passions, and he’s honestly the catalyst for me becoming a professional speaker. I’m eternally grateful for his role in my life, and I can say the same about so many more people. I have more memories than I can count, hundreds of relationships, and have experienced things that have transformed my life. It’s also been a long enough time that these kids turn into adults, with careers, who get married, have kids, and start changing the world. Every wedding, baby, degree, job, and move is worth celebrating. These young friends mean the world to me.

It’s hard to see this chapter of my life close. It’s one of the most special chapters I’ve ever experienced. But all chapters must end so a new one can begin. My kids are getting bigger and busier, while my schedule also continues to get more complicated. As much as I don’t want to leave youth group, my wife and kids need me right now. The feeling is bittersweet, but I also have a peace about it. Who knows, maybe I’ll be back one day. After all, my kids will be eligible for our youth group program in just six years. I have a feeling I may be giving that “train wreck” middle school group a chance in due time.

As this chapter comes to an end, I mourn and celebrate…..but mostly celebrate. It’s been amazing. I’m grateful. I’m content. I’m at peace. When one chapter ends, another begins.


Wiping the Slate Clean


Opportunity Cost: In the Wild