Food is More Than Food

For me, one of the highlights of traveling is the food. That’s certainly been the case on this trip! I’ve probably tried more than 30-50 new dishes in just the past week. I’ve loved some, liked most, and a few weren’t my cup of tea. These have been wonderful experiences and I’m so glad it’s been part of our trip.

Food is always more than food. Yes, we’re exchanging money for an item on a plate. However, it’s almost always about more than that. Food is a representation of culture. When we experience food, we’re immersing ourselves in someone’s culture. The flavors, the ingredients, and the techniques. Take Tom Yum, for example. Tom Yum is a Thai soup comprised of seafood (squid in my case), lemon juice, seafood stock, and other veggies and spices. We were with a few friends in a small fishing village just on the other side of Monkey Mountain (a story for another day). The small street was lined with little seafood markets/restaurants serving up that morning’s catch. Tom Yum was just one of many dishes we enjoyed, but one that stands out to me as truly unique. This meal was one of the highlights of my trip. Spending time in that environment, eating those flavors, and learning about Thai culture was an amazing experience. I learned so much, and enjoyed every single bite.

Next, and more importantly, experiencing food with others allows us to build relationships. The shared experience, quality time, and meaningful conversation is the perfect recipe for the cultivation of relationships. We spent the last 4 days growing a relationship with an old friend and creating a relationship with new friends. These are truly some of the best people we’ve ever met. Just days ago they were strangers who grew up in different countries, speaking different languages. Today, they feel like family. The meals we shared and the time we invested in each other will most certainly create relational momentum for years to come. Maybe someday we’ll have the opportunity to share some of our culture (through food) with them. That would be a true blessing.

So yeah, food is awesome. I love food. But food is always about more than food. I’m grateful for the experiences, cultures, and relationships it can help unlock. Next time you have the opportunity to enjoy a fun meal, remind yourself it’s about far more than just food.


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