037 - Staying At Home With Kids is Always a Choice

Young couples today are facing two really important questions: "Do we want one spouse to stay at home with the kids?", and "Can we afford for one spouse to stay at home with the kids?"  The first question is a deeply personal one, and every couple needs to seek out the right answer for them.  But the second question is a lie our culture tells us.  Staying at home with kids isn't something we get to do if we are "lucky" or "fortunate".  Rather, staying at home is a choice.  It's always a choice.  A very difficult, sacrificial choice.  That's why there are couples making $500,000 who "can't afford" to do it, but other couples making $50,000 who can.  In today's episode, host Travis Shelton unpacks the idea of staying at home as a choice, , and walks through some of the sacrificial decisions a couple may choose to make on their road to bringing one spouse home.  It's rarely easy, but it's always worth it.  

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038 - How to Get Your Spouse Involved With Budgeting, and Why It's More Important Than You Think


036 - More Income Won't Cure Your Financial Stress (Here's What Will!)