036 - More Income Won't Cure Your Financial Stress (Here's What Will!)

One of the stories we tell ourselves is that our financial stress would go away if only we made $____ more money.  So we work, work, work, for that next raise or promotion.  Then when it finally comes, the financial stress lingers.  So we think to ourself, "ah, it must require $____ more to reduce the stress."  Thus the cycle continues.  Bad news: no amount of income can eliminate your financial stress.  Good news: you already have the tools to reduce your stress today!  In today's episode, host Travis Shelton explains why no amount of income will remove our financial stress, how even people who make tons of money face financial stress, and how each of us can make changes in our own life to reduce the stress.  

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037 - Staying At Home With Kids is Always a Choice


035 - Hate Fridays, Love Mondays