038 - How to Get Your Spouse Involved With Budgeting, and Why It's More Important Than You Think

"My spouse and I are on the same page with finances, but he/she isn't engaged with the budget."  This is one comment we hear over and over.  In fact, this is a very common trend in families today.  Even for couples who budget and are on the same page, some spouses exclude themselves from the process and instead put all the trust and responsibility on the other spouse.  Big mistake!  In today's episode, host Travis Shelton discusses all the reasons it's important for both spouses to be involved with the budget process, the risks of not doing so, and shares 7 important things you can do to help get yours on board.  This may seem like a silly topic, but it's oh so important!

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039 - The Curse of Comparison


037 - Staying At Home With Kids is Always a Choice