You Don’t Have to Justify Fun

I was meeting with a client when this came out of her mouth: "I really want to buy a ____, but I need to find a way to justify it."

Me: "You don't have to justify fun!"

Seriously! She doesn't need to justify fun, and neither do you! Do you ever find yourself trying to justify a purchase you "don't need?" We play this little mind game with ourselves constantly. At the heart of this toxic practice is guilt. Deeply ingrained, culturally driven, self-deprecating guilt. Therefore, we play mental gymnastics with ourselves in order to remove or lessen the guilt.

"I'm really stressed out right now, and I haven't been a good friend to Stacy lately, so it's okay if I buy a plane ticket to fly to San Diego to see her."

"I haven't spent much money lately, and I just had a good sales quarter, so I'm going to treat myself and buy this purse."

"I just lost 10 pounds, so I need to go buy a few new pairs of jeans."

"I don't get to see my friends much, so signing up for fantasy football is an investment in my relationships."

From an early age, many of us are made to feel guilty for spending money on things we don't need. Quit spending. Save. Be responsible. Don't waste your money. That's what many of us hear throughout our childhoods. Then, we eventually become adults and are given the car keys to life, and we're surprised when we struggle to spend money on ourselves without guilt, regret, or mental games?

I have a solution to this problem. If something adds at least as much value to your life as it costs you, buy it. Plan for it, allocate the money for it, buy it, and enjoy. No, don't be irresponsible and blow up your goals or other priorities; this isn't about being reckless. Rather, it's about being financially intentional, honest with yourself, and true to your values.

You want to fly to San Diego to visit your friend? Awesome! Put it in your budget and go.

You want to buy a new purse? Excellent! Make it happen.

You want a new pair of jeans? Great! Hop in the car and drive to the mall.

You want to play fantasy football with your boys? Sounds fun! Enjoy bombing your draft.....again.

We must remove the guilt if we want to have a healthy relationship with money. If we can't, we don't control our money.....our money controls us. And that, my friends, is a sign we've already lost the game.

Be intentional. Set your goals. Aggressively pursue them. Be generous along the way. Save responsibly. Serve others well. Live a meaningful life. Oh yeah, and don't justify fun!


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