You Aren't For Everyone

My social media manager, Claire, recently decided we must invest heavily in LinkedIn content. Over the last several years, I've completely neglected that platform. Not because I don't believe in it, but rather because engaging on that platform is really uncomfortable for me. It's uncomfortable because that's where my new career intersects with my old career. There's no more apparent sign of how much different my life is today than 5 years ago than when I cross so directly with my old world. But alas, Claire wins these types of debates and has started the execution of her new strategy. She's doing a great job, by the way! If interested, you can connect with me on LinkedIn HERE.

As part of my newfound engagement on that platform, I've found myself scrolling through the lists of "people I might know." Through this process, I stumbled upon so many people I do, in fact, know. I see their names, get excited, and click the "connect" button. There's a part of me that's confused why I wasn't already connected with them, but oh well. Click, click, click. After excitedly clicking name after name after name, I had an epiphany. I wasn't connected with some of these people because they intentionally disconnected me. In other words, I'm trying to friend people who just unfriended me. Awkward.....

My gut reaction is to feel sad, or betrayed, or maybe just confused. Then, I have a moment of clarity where I realize it's probably not personal. What I'm doing and what I'm publishing just isn't for them. I was a worthwhile connection for them in my private life, but perhaps not today. It doesn't mean I'm less than, of no value, or completely discarded. Instead, I think it's a clear sign that what I'm bringing to the table is much different than what it used to be. I can respect them for that.

This is an important lesson we must all internalize. I'm not for everyone. You aren't for everyone. I'm here to serve those who wish to be served, and you are, too. If someone wishes not to be served by me, that's 100% ok. In fact, some of my closest friends and family members have zero desire to be served by my content, services, or products. On the flip side, I get weekly DMs and e-mails from strangers all over the world, sharing how influential our work has been in their lives. If I'm dwelling on those who don't care what I'm doing, it's robbing time, attention, and creativity to serve those who deeply care about being served.

Whatever you're doing, just remember, you aren't for everyone. But you are for someone. And you matter a LOT to them! Lean into those someones and add as much value as you can to their lives. That's where your impact and legacy lives.


First, We Fail


Take a Breather, Then Get Back In the Game!