Yes, Even You (and Me)

I have a big talk coming up next week. It's not a large audience, as there will probably only be 100 people in the room. But it's a weighty audience. I have the honor of speaking to a group of people with far more experience and impact than I ever have. They are heroes in my book. Yet, these 100 people will take time out of their busy and productive days to listen to me try to add value to their lives. They will look to me for wisdom, insight, and influence. Imposter syndrome is starting to set in!!!

At the same time, I also confront a different type of reality: We ALL have something to offer. Yes, I have less experience than most of them. Yes, I'm making less impact than most of them (or at least that's what I tell myself!). Yes, I can surely learn a ton from sharing a meal with any one of them. But I have something to offer, too!

Despite the imposter syndrome, I intend for each person to walk out of that room with a completely different way of thinking. I want to equip and encourage them to be even more impactful in this next season of their mission. I aspire for them to look back on that block of their day and say to themselves, "Wow, I'm so glad I went!"

Both of those things can be simultaneously true. On the one hand, we can be in the company of people much further along than we are; on the other hand, we have something to offer them.

It reminds me of a recent conversation with a young professional. He wanted to pick my brain about podcasting and writing. He admires the work we're doing, and wanted to get some insights. Deep down, he's a marketing guy. He lives and breathes it. Recognizing that, I turned the tables on him and started asking him questions. This caught him off-guard, citing, "You have more experience in your pinky than I do in my whole body. You don't really want my advice!!"

Both things were true. I do have a lot more experience, and I did want his advice. He had something to offer, and I let him know that. He wavered somewhere between pride and disbelief, almost as if I was punking him. Eventually, though, he realized I was dead serious. Despite the vast experience gap, he had something valuable to offer me.

The same goes for you! Regardless of your age, background, experience, title, financial status, influence, or relationships, you have a ton to offer. And you don't just have something to offer in rooms full of people "below" you, but in all rooms. Even if you were sitting in a room with Elon Musk, you'd have something to offer him.

If what I just said is true, then perhaps we should all start sharing what we have to offer. No fear. No demeaning self-doubt. No imposter talk. Share it. Make an impact.


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