What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
One of my friends has a unique business idea. Another friend is interested in starting a non-profit. A third friend wants to write a book. A fourth desires to publish music. All four are stuck, paralyzed with fear. Fear of what? Failure. All four are scared of falling flat on their face, getting embarrassed, or feeling like losers. Thus, there's a very real chance they perpetually hold onto their ideas and eventually take them to their graves.
Here's a question I posed to each of them: "What's the worst that could happen?" You know, the absolute worst-case, total destruction, end-of-the-world scenario. Dream big, but in the form of nightmares. Visualize how terrible and life-ending these what-if situations could be.
All four disappointed me. When pressed to provide the most atrocious endings possible, all they could muster was some version of "My pride would be hurt, and I'd have to do something different."
In actuality, there's no real long-lasting consequence for failure other than ego, pride, and self-esteem. If that's true, why not just go for it? Why carry the regret of not doing something if there's so little downside? Why throw away the possibility of something great simply because there's a chance for something marginally bad to happen?
I come from the world of risk and reward. Understanding what could happen if things go right or when things go wrong, then making the best go/no-go decision with the information available. When it comes to our dreams, we're so quick to throw away the proverbial million-dollar reward because we're scared of the hundred-dollar risk.
So what if my friend's business fails. At least he'll know he gave it his best shot.
So what if my friend's non-profit doesn't survive. At least he'll have made an impact on people's lives.
So what if my friend's book sucks. At least she'll have worked through the process, possibly preparing her for the next opportunity.
So what if nobody listens to my friend's music. At least he will know he created something nobody can ever take away.
The upside in each of these is so high, but the downside so limited.
I know I'm going to fail at many things this year, some of them publicly. It will be embarrassing. It will bruise my ego. It will damage my pride. It might even cost me some money. But at least I'll know. At least I'll go to bed at night knowing I gave it my best shot. The worst-case scenarios are pretty lame. But the upside? Oh, the upside is so freaking cool!
If you're ever in doubt, play out the worst-case scenario. Dream big, but in nightmares. Challenge yourself to pinpoint just how bad it could get. My guess is it's not nearly as bad as you think, and if so, why not just go for it?
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