What It’s Really About
I've been hearing the wildest comments, feedback, and word-of-mouth referrals about the blog lately, and I say that in the most positive sense. I never take those kind words for granted, and it fuels me to create something meaningful each and every day. I share this because one particular story stood out a few days ago.
No, it's not the one where my friend told me she's "addicted" to reading my blog each morning, though that comment absolutely made my week!
And it's not the one where someone recently said he starts his day with three things: "A coffee, the Bible, and reading The Daily Meaning." Again, wow!
It's this one. A friend recently shared that he occasionally forwards my blog posts to his wife, encouraging her to sign up. But she's not one to care much about reading a daily money blog. Eventually, she relented and signed up, which I'm assuming was so she wouldn't have to listen to him talk about it anymore. My friend's recent feedback: "She likes it because it's not always about money!"
I love this, and she's so right. I would take it a step further and suggest that it's never actually about money. Well, it kinda is, but money is NEVER about money; it's always about something bigger. While it's true that we need to earn enough money to provide basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, and transportation), money is much more valuable than whatever dollars and cents are attached to it. Money, and how we perceive and handle it, is a reflection of our values, principles, and aspirations. In other words, it's an extension of us and what makes us tick.
It reminds me of a quote I heard long ago: "Show me your checkbook and I'll show you what's really important to you." It's so true! How we perceive and handle our money is an honest reflection of what we actually value (not what we say we value).
Money has the power to do great evil....or world-changing good.
Money has the power to add value to our lives....or rob us of it.
Money has the power to fulfill your wants......or others' needs.
Money has the power to create much stress and tension......or be humbly filled with gratitude.
Money has the power to fuel our desire for more......or walk with a posture of contentment.
Money has the power to become an idol.....or be used to glorify the one true idol.
So yeah, while money will absolutely continue to come up (it's what I do for a living!), it's never really about money. I'm so grateful my friend shared this story with me. It's a reminder to us all that money is NEVER about money; it's always about something bigger.
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