Turning the Tables

In yesterday's post, I mentioned how my friends considered their $700 Taylor Swift concert tickets a bargain. On the surface, this seems absurd. However, their perspective makes sense through the lens of value vs. cost. I've been receiving a lot of feedback from this post. Some people think $700 for concert tickets is ridiculous, but the sentiment landed with many. 

It's the paradox with spending. Some of the best values in our lives are things other people just scratch their heads at. I love this tension. I love how unique we are wired. 

Today, I want to hear yours. What purchases in your life seem like a bargain to you, while many others simply scratch their head (and possibly talk about you behind your back)? I'll go first. Here are a few of the things that can sometimes cause tension in the minds of others:

  • Monthly massages (oh so good)

  • Drycleaning all my dress shirts (I always love my crisp shirts)

  • Killer seats when I go to a live sporting event (I don't go to many, but love going all-in when I do)

  • Christian education for our kids (a lot vs. free is an interesting equation)

  • Apple laptops (wow, they are expensive!)

Each of these items adds a ton of value to my/our life, yet at the same time, some people look at me like I'm a crazy person. I love that! Now that I've gone, it's your turn! Please reply to this e-mail (if you're an e-mail subscriber) or drop a comment on the webpage. I want to know what items you spend money on that are simultaneously a bargain for you and a head-scratcher to many others. I'm going to compile them and share them in a future post. 

Have an awesome day, and keep making people scratch their heads!

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Sometimes, "Pretty Good" Sucks


The $700 Bargain & $50 Ripoff