This May Only Make Half Sense

Sarah: "Aren't you going to write your blog?"

Me: "I feel like trash!"

Sarah: "You NEVER miss your blog. You've been far sicker than this, and you've never missed a single one."

Me: "I'll figure it out."

Sarah: "Good."

She has a great bedside manner, doesn't she? I expected something more like, "Oh, I'm so sorry you don't feel good. Is there anything I can do for you?" Instead, she immediately reacted with shock at the possibility of me missing my first writing day in nearly two years. The truth is, I can't even fathom a scenario where I don't publish on a given day. Even if both my hands were chopped off, there's a solution out there somewhere. "Hey Siri....."

This is a far cry from November 2022 when I started this blog. Things were going great.....until I got about 10 days in. At that point, I started wondering:

  • A) Am I crazy?

  • B) Do I even have time for this?

  • C) Will I run out of ideas in a matter of weeks.....or days?

With nearly 670 consecutive days under my belt, I can confidently answer these questions. Yes, I'm crazy. No, I don't have time.....but we make time for things that matter. No, there is no limit to the number of ideas if we give ourselves permission.

I did think about Sarah's comment a lot, though. She makes a very interesting point. There have been several days in the last few years where I've felt like I'm on my deathbed. Yet, I somehow wrote, edited, and published a blog each and every one of those days.

I went from not having time or ideas to publish even 2-3 articles per week to not willing to go a single day without writing/publishing.

As I sit here with only half a working brain, I can't help but think how profound the power of commitment is. When we do things because that's what we do, there's nothing that can stop us. This idea makes me think about so many of my clients. Once a new habit is set, it's etched in stone.

I have clients who spent 20 years without budgeting a single time (and being revolted by the idea) to have the practice be a completely non-negotiable part of their marriage and finances.

I have clients who struggled to pay off a single dollar of debt who now attack it monthly like their lives depend on it.

I have clients who lived in comfort and security their entire adult lives and now wake up each day actively pursuing discomfort and struggle.

It's amazing what happens when we stretch ourselves past our falsely-conceived boundaries and into uncharted territory. I hope this piece makes sense to read, as writing doesn't feel completely sensical. More importantly, I hope it gets you thinking about what boundary you need to break through and set a new practice into motion. It will change you. I promise.


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To Press or Not to Press (the Button)


Closing the Loop