The Three-Month Rule

Happy last day of the month. How in the world is the year half over?!?! Today also marks a special occasion. Being thelast day of the month means tomorrow brings a brand new budget. If you're a budgeter, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a day that brings hope, possibility, and excitement. It's a new opportunity to bring our values to life through our finances. For some of you, it's also a great opportunity to close the book on a really crappy month and start afresh. Either way, tomorrow is your day!

If you're not a budgeter, perhaps July is your month to begin. Whenever I talk to people who don't budget, I ask, "Why?" There are a million reasons people don't budget, but there are a few common responses:

  • "It doesn't work for us."

  • "I suck at it."

  • "It was too hard to follow."

  • "I didn't like it."

All of these are valid reasons, but on the flip side, they are probably (half) wrong. Budgeting is simple—eventually. Budgeting is powerful—eventually. Budgeting is a game-changer—eventually. Budgeting isn't something we just pick up and are magically good at. After all, if you don't budget, there's a strong likelihood you've operated your finances without one for years....maybe decades. So we can't expect to be overnight experts.

Whenever coaching someone on their first budget, I always add, "you're probably going to fail." Encouraging, I know! But it's true. The first month, or two, or even three will probably be a mess. The goal isn't to crush this budgeting thing in the first month, but rather experiment, learn, and grow. What works. What doesn't. What abc category costs. Why xyz category needs to be changed. How to better track. How to engage our spouse better.

The problem for most prospective budgeters is they don't do a great job the first month, feel like trash about it, and simplygive up. You're supposed to fail! That's all part of the game. I call it "the three-month rule." Those first three months will be tough, but it's the setup for what's to come. Typically, by the fourth month, most people are fairly locked in and confident to execute on their plan.

That's my encouragement to you today. If you don't budget, I encourage you to give it a try, give yourself grace, know you're going to mess up, and know it's going to get better. If you give it at least three months, I strongly believe it will become a valuable tool in your financial arsenal.

And remember, budgeting isn't about spending less; it's about spending better. It's about harnessing every dollar of income you're blessed with this month and aligning it with your values. Spend, save, and give in accordance with YOUR values.

Happy new budget month, y'all!


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