The Best Is Yet to Come

You or someone you know is probably going through some scary times. So many people in my life are dealing with significant job shifts. Layoffs, reassignments, pay cuts, relocations, hour cuts, or benefit cuts. The economy is starting to feel weird, and ripple effects are cascading through people's careers and lives. Several clients have recently lost their jobs. Others have received pay cuts and/or hour cuts. A few have been reassigned or relocated. One of my friends just found out that he AND his wife lost their a 48-hour span! It feels messy out there! These are tough pills to swallow, and playing a role in this part of their journey is an honor. I never take that role lightly or for granted.

If there's one thing I want you to know, it's this. No matter what you're going through, the best is yet to come. No matter the situation, your peak is in the windshield, not the rearview mirror.

It makes me reflect on my gut-wrenching experience during the Great Financial Crisis. I thought I had life all figured out. I was young, hungry, and a little too arrogant. That all changed in 2008 when I casually walked into the office, only to be ushered into a conference room with all of my peers. There, it was communicated that our company was shutting down, and we'd all soon be out of the worst job market of our lifetime. I was devastated! Did I mention I had been engaged for just three days? Ouch! That was easily one of the worst weeks of my life.

Looking back, 16 years later, it's still one of the worst experiences of my life. However, that wasn't the end of the story. Amidst the pain, chaos, uncertainty, and struggle came many unforeseen blessings. Blessings that I never would have experienced had I not experienced that loss. There's a catch, though. It's nearly impossible to see these blessings while we're living it. Life is too intense, and our vision too narrow. Only after we've lived part of the journey do we get the privilege of seeing the beauty of the struggle.

My life is so much cooler today than back when I thought I had it all figured out. The last 10 years have been far better than anything I could have imagined before I hit my bottom on that terrible day in 2008. I would even argue my life isn't amazing despite the crushing's because of it.

Your best is yet to come. Believe that. It won't make some of your life situations any easier now, but hold on to that hope. You need it, and you deserve it. You got this!

If someone in your life is struggling, please send this to them. I want to offer them an encouraging word today. I needed it when I was going through my turmoil, and I have a feeling they do, too.


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