Punched In the Face by Gratitude
Do you ever get frustrated? I mean REALLY frustrated. The car breaks down. You get turned down for that job. That girl/guy isn't interested in you. You got pulled over for speeding. Your flight gets canceled. Life can suck sometimes.....ok, lots of times.
It's easy to dwell on this stuff. We start sounding like our own little version of Debbie Downer. But then, something happens. We get punched in the face by gratitude.
As I've watched the national news coverage the past few nights, it's been non-stop coverage of houses in Los Angeles literally going up in flames. People woke up like any other day, and went to bed without a home or possessions. Everything they owned.....poof. It's truly one of the saddest things I've ever watched play out.
Those are the moments where gratitude punches us in the face. Life is never perfect, and sure, it would be nice if these frustrating circumstances would just stay away. But we should carry ourselves with gratitude that we aren't experiencing the pain and suffering that so many experience daily. If all that happened to you today is getting turned down for the job, your crush isn't interested in you, you got pulled over for speeding, your car breaks down, AND your flight gets canceled, you're still better off than so many. That's still worth celebrating. All of those crappy things piled into one day, but you end the day going home to your comfortable house with all of your possessions, you're still blessed. Weird perspective, I know.
I think we should live every day with gratitude, but it doesn't hurt to get punched in the face by it once in a while. Prayers to anyone who is impacted by these wildfires. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. Better days are yet to come, and beauty will surely rise from the ashes.
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