The Power of Not Stopping

My business partner recently confessed he hates our podcast cover art. Shocked at his statement, I responded, “what do you mean you hate it? You made it!!!” I thought I had him! He’s going to insult his own baby? His response to my response was, “I didn’t think we’d make it past 20 episodes, so I just threw something together quickly.” Wow…..!!!! How dare he!

19 months after starting the podcast, we’re more than 170 episodes in and we’re just getting started. On the outside, it seems like we have it all together, brimming with confidence. It couldn’t be further from the truth. There are so many times we want(ed) to quit. After all, quitting would be easier. Sometimes it’s hard to keep going when the going gets tough. Perhaps we’re just too stubborn to quit. We fail at something, so we try something new. We fail at that, so we again go back to the drawing board.

Podcast analytics can be hard to come by, but there’s one site that attempts to put it into perspective. Of the roughly 2.98 million podcasts that exist (which may also approximate how many have ever existed), they say we’re in the top 3% of all-time. We’re no Joe Rogan, that’s for sure. I think this statistic tells us more about everyone else than it does about us. To me, this is a measure of persistence. Most people quit, but we didn’t. We hope to produce amazing content for an ever-growing global audience for years to come, but that dies the moment we give up. Translation: we aren’t giving up…..even when it gets hard. The mission is too important to let our discomfort get in the way.

There’s at least one area of your life where this concept needs to be applied, and you know exactly which one. Go for it! I promise it will be worth it.


I Don't Even Remember the Cost


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