Multiplication, Not Addition

My head is still spinning from last night's debate. Perhaps yours is, too. Therefore, I thought a little palette cleanser would be welcomed today.

Amidst all the craziness that hit my social media feeds last night, this little gem popped up. Gold. Pure gold. Check it out! This is one you have to see for yourself. My words can't properly frame up how this situation played out. So, if you didn't click the link above, here's another chance!

Generosity isn't addition. When we give, it's not making a dollar-for-dollar, hour-for-hour, or act-to-act impact. It multiplies. It transcends the original gift, oftentimes spiraling into something much, much bigger than initially intended. This player thoughtfully shared his jacket with one kid, ultimately blessing all the kids. One simple act of generosity multiplied into something much bigger than him.

That's the opportunity in front of each of us. We can use our resources to add to our own pot, or we can multiply them by sharing. It's an important choice, and, for me, it's an easy choice. Multiplication is always more powerful than addition. Generosity always wins.


The Tale of Two Encounters


Humility Is a Powerful Tool