It’s the Inputs, Man!
In late 2019, after stepping away from one career and into another, Sarah and I made another drastic life decision. We elected to split our time between Iowa and Thailand. We would bounce back and forth in three-month increments. One of the primary barriers to this plan was our house. What would we do about lawn care and snow removal? What if we had water issues in the basement? Would it be secure if left unattended for months at a time? And since we had just taken a 90% pay cut, a little more liquidity sure would come in handy. Therefore, the plan was clear. Sell the house, set the cash aside, and rent a small townhome that would suffice for the months we were back in Iowa.
We sold our house in December 2019 and excitedly awaited our inaugural family trip to Asia. Everything was coming together! Then, just a few months later, COVID struck, the world shut down, and all our plans went out the window. Instead of experiencing Thailand with our three-year-old boys, we were cooped up in a tiny townhome with those same three-year-old boys. It all blew up in our face!
If I used the outputs to determine how we did, it would clearly indicate we failed. We could have been in a cool house that we owned but, ended up in a tiny rental townhome. We lost! However, that's not how I look at life. The outputs (or outcomes) we experience in life are subject to all sorts of circumstances and externalities. If we always judge ourselves by the outputs, we might lose sight of the truth.
On the flip side, I'm a big believer in focusing on the inputs. If we do the right things for the right reasons, and stay consistent with it, the outputs will eventually reveal that. When we dwell on the inputs, unwanted outputs don't necessarily have to derail us. In the case of the house, we absolutely made the right decision. We did the right thing despite the outcome.
Yesterday was the single greatest day in the history of Northern Vessel. Everything came together, and we experienced the most wonderful outputs. It was stunning to watch, and we couldn't have been more excited. However, it really wasn't about the output. Instead of dwelling on the numbers, we reflected on all the inputs that culminated in yesterday's output:
Consistently solid drinks that people can rely on.
An obsessive focus on hospitality, with a "how can we make this better?" mindset.
An iterative process to build increasingly efficient operations that allow for large daily and weekly volumes when the moments arise.
Continuous assessment of our product offerings to provide our customers with the products they desire.
Intentionality on our social media presence to build awareness and engagement.
So, when yesterday happened, we were beyond grateful for the output. However, the output in and of itself meant nothing. Rather, it's a tangible signal that our obsessive focus on the inputs is succeeding.
Focus on inputs. Dwell on inputs. Obsess about inputs. The outputs will be the outputs (good and bad), but eventually, the truth will prevail. Obsess about your inputs today… your money, in your career, in your ministry, in your relationships, and everywhere else. Always the inputs.
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