Good Ideas Are Good Ideas

While in a meeting today, my Media Director casually mentioned what may be the best idea I’ve heard all week. It’s a new concept for the podcast that could be a game-changer for us. A few hours before that, my assistant dropped an amazing idea in my lap. Just yesterday, while having coffee with a youth group kid, they dropped a little brilliant gem of an idea on me. A few days ago, a client shared a totally fresh idea about how we can handle our finances well.

Good ideas are all around us! Frequently, however, we’re so set in our ways that we disregard or overlook these amazing ideas. It’s a shame. Pride, stubbornness, and laziness are often the culprits that come between us and the countless brilliant ideas that land on our plates. If I’m being honest, most of the good things I’ve done in my life are the ideas, or inspiration from the ideas, shared with me by people in my circle.

What’s interesting is much of the time, people don’t realize their brilliant ideas are brilliant ideas. They are just sharing perspectives, experiences, or stories. They don’t open their mouths with the explicit intent of dropping game-changing ideas on others. They are just chatting and being real.

The question is whether we’re going to sincerely keep our ears and minds open to brilliance. It’s so easy to overlook, but if we’re intentional with how we engage with others, some of the best ideas in our lives are sitting right there waiting to be harvested. Seize the opportunity!


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