Excellence Isn’t Optional

Uh oh, I've opened the floodgates. After repeated blog posts about how business owners shouldn't expect people to "support" them, I now receive multiple messages from readers every week. These messages usually include screenshots or linked posts from businesses in their town, laying on the guilt of "lack of support." The narrative is usually the same (paraphrasing):

Our business is struggling because we've been a victim of several challenges (insert inflation, rent, competition, lack of awareness, and a multitude of other issues here). To top it off, you haven't done a good enough job of supporting us. Because of that, and in the absence of you immediately and heavily supporting us, we might not make it.

I'm a broken record on this one. We business owners don't deserve anyone's support. Instead, we must earn the right to serve someone, then through delivered excellence, re-earn the right to serve them again. And if we've been excellent enough, they might tell someone else about us. Then repeat.

The key word is excellence. Excellence isn't optional. With it, we earn the right to serve people again. Without it, we die. Take all the recent reader messages, for example. You've probably sent me at least 20 examples of this in the past few weeks alone. I know a few of these businesses personally, and I can attest they are anything but excellent. One business, which I know quite well, cited all the challenges they've faced over the last few years. I don't doubt a single one of them. These are common challenges that nearly ALL businesses face. What they didn't mention were all the ways in which they were grossly lacking excellence:

  • Inconsistent product.

  • Inconsistent service.

  • High prices.

  • Poor location.

  • Lack of brand identity.

  • Poor marketing.

Yet, the natural conclusion from their messaging (and the people on social media) was that people need to better support small businesses. Hear that? "Support." Meanwhile, several other small businesses in proximity to this business are absolutely crushing it. Weird how people "support" those small businesses.

The key word isn't "support"—it's "excellence." Excellence isn't optional. People aren't discriminating, lacking care, or turning their backs on small businesses. People expect excellence. Scratch that—they demand excellence.

If you're a business owner, big or small, simply provide excellence. When you do, you'll earn the right to serve people again....and they just might tell a few others in the meantime. The presence of excellence will allow you to thrive, but the absence of excellence will cause you to die. It's a harsh but beautiful reality.

If you're a consumer (and we all are), don't fall for the "support" guilt trap. Demand excellence. Yes, try a new business. Give people a shot. Put them to the test. Give them the right to show you excellence, and hopefully earn the right to serve you again. That's the greatest gift you can give to a business. Give them the opportunity to serve you with excellence, not the other way around.


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