Choose Freedom

Today, we Americans celebrate July 4th, our Independence Day. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, as it represents the best of what summer has to offer. As I've gotten older and seen more of the world, the concept of freedom has also grown on my conscience. We often take it for granted, and shame on us for doing so.

But as I think about freedom, I see all the various ways we humans trap ourselves and limit our own freedom. While we live in a free country, many of us have curated a life that's anything but free. We continue to elevate our lifestyle and financial commitments, locking ourselves into a certain income expectation. We make choices to incur mass amounts of debt, which bleeds our income each month. As our financial obligations rise, our margin to spend our values decreases. As our monthly needs grow, our ability to shift careers, pursue meaning, and follow our calling shrinks. One decision, after another, after another. As we increase our standard of living, we're slowly and oftentimes unknowingly reducing our freedom.

I can't even count the number of people I've spoken to who have fantastic incomes, jealousy-inducing lifestyles, and social media-worthy lives, who feel desperately trapped. They look like they have the world at their fingertips, yet they have less freedom than the unassuming middle-class family a few doors down from me. It's an embarrassing, scary, and frustrating place to be. Many of you can relate to this. Either because you used to be there, or because you're there right now.

Some people choose stuff, others choose freedom.

Some people choose status, others choose freedom.

Some people choose the instant gratification of debt, others choose freedom.

Some people choose more, others choose freedom.

Choose freedom. Always choose freedom. And the beautiful part is, every day is a new day to choose.


Who Are You Going to Offend?


Five Margaritas Deep