Capitalist Pigs
Remember when I paid $700 to play with pigs? Well, yesterday was pig day! We were in Nassau, Bahamas, on our cruise, and it was finally time to experience Pig Beach with my family. It was a truly amazing experience. We started with a beautiful 30-minute boat ride to Pearl Island, where we spent a few hours playing on the beach with crystal-clear waters. Then, we were treated to a local lunch that more-then-hit the spot. Finally, we hopped on a speed boat for a short jaunt to Pig Beach. Once there, we fed the pigs apples (and even bottle-fed a piglet), petted them, and ran around in the ocean with them. Every part of the experience was spot-on. While spending $700 for this excursion still feels expensive, it will no doubt go in the record books as one of the most memorable experiences our family has had together. Money well spent!
This is baby Katy Perry. She pooped on my arm about 5 seconds after this pic was taken….
While hanging out at the beach in the morning, I overheard a group of men talking about the excursion. "They really milk those pigs for all they're worth." "Nothing like taking advantage of a lucky situation. Those pigs were just left there" "They are practically screwing us."
Do you see any irony in this? A bunch of grown men, who are traveling to the Caribbean on money earned from living in a capitalist society, are demonizing the local business owners who are trying to make a living by being capitalistic. Nobody forced a single one of them to purchase that excursion. That's the entire point of capitalism. Someone creates a product, sets the price, and either people buy it or they don't. If you think the price is too expensive, then simply choose not to buy. Considering how many people were in our group, I'd say their pricing is working just fine.
Are the local folks making a handsome living from this endeavor? I hope so! Good for them! They are doing a fantastic job at it, too. Overall, the entire experience was well done and full of hospitality. They served their customers well and truly made us feel welcome. I'm glad I went, and I'll recommend it to anyone who asks.
This is the beauty of business. We are free to create any product we want, price it, market it, try to execute it, and let the chips fall how they may. No matter how good our product is, some will think it's a rip-off. That's not a bad thing! Rather, it's necessary. That's the gateway to understanding who values you and who doesn't. I once had a client prospect tell me how much of a rip-off my pricing was, only to have another prospect (90 minutes later) tell me it was the world's biggest bargain. One valued me, and one didn't. It doesn't make one good and one bad, but now I know who I am called to serve.
Don't feel bad for making a living. Add value. Serve others well. Let the chips fall how they may.