034 - Don't Sweat the Small Things: Starbucks and Netflix Aren't What's Hurting You

We live in a culture that's obsessed with small things.  "Quit buying those coffees", "you don't need that extra pair of shoes", "that concert is wasting money", "get rid of Netflix".  We think this is ridiculous....and short-sighted.  In today's episode, host Travis Shelton explains why we need to stop obsessing with the small things and start paying closer attention to the bigger decisions in life.  Just a handful of key decisions can result in a multi-million dollar swing for most of us.....especially young adults.  Oh yeah, and let's not give up those coffees, shoes, concerts, or Netflix along the way.  After all, it's not about money......it's about meaning!

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035 - Hate Fridays, Love Mondays


033 - Don't Judge Decisions Based On Outcomes