033 - Don't Judge Decisions Based On Outcomes

This is going to sound backwards, but we don't think decisions should be judged based on outcomes.  Sometimes good decisions have bad outcomes.....and sometimes bad decisions have bad outcomes.  Truth is, when we make a decision, all we can do is make the best decision with the information available to us at the time.  Hindsight is always 20/20, so it can be easy to beat ourselves up and play woulda-shoulda-coulda.  In today's episode, host Travis Shelton discusses this idea of separating decisions from their outcomes, sharing some examples, and exploring some of the negative consequences we will likely face down the road if we always judge decisions based on their outcomes.  

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034 - Don't Sweat the Small Things: Starbucks and Netflix Aren't What's Hurting You


032 - The Beauty (and Implications) of Not Having a Credit Score