Just Use Meth Responsibly

Heroin is absolutely terrible! It’s addictive and quickly leads to negative consequences in all areas of our life. It impacts our health, marriage, work, and overall well-being. It’s responsible for many bad choices, ruined marriages, and broken families. Using it seems fine for a while, sometimes even fun, but then an unexpected moment happens where it quickly becomes a nightmare. Our life can go from relatively normal to absolute devastation in a matter of months. Its destructive qualities are profound.

None of this would be a problem if you would just use it responsibly, dummy! Yeah, I know it’s killing millions of people and marriages, but that’s not my responsibility. People just need to use it the right way. They get what they deserve if they decide to abuse it. Yeah, there are risks in using it, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. Everyone uses it, so of course I’m going to use it. It’s normal. We just need to do a better job teaching people how to use it properly. Just don’t be stupid with it! You’re an idiot if you don’t use it.

That sounds absolutely absurd, doesn’t it? Now, replace “meth” with “credit cards” and re-read the two paragraphs above. It still sounds absurd to me. We need to end the madness. Will you help me end the madness? Together, we can help shift this insane culture for the next generation.


Things Old and Things New


Don't Gut the Good Stuff