The Awakening

I've been stewing about a message I received from a Meaning Over Money podcast listener. He learned about our content from a friend; he doesn't know me or have any connection with my work. He just received an episode link one day and decided to keep listening. He explained that, in some ways, I was saying obvious things he already knew. Yet, at the same time, I talked about it in a way he had never heard it explained before.

Ultimately, upon reflecting on his own life and the decisions he made, here's where he landed: "I got everything I ever thought I wanted, then realized it's all crap."

I know exactly what he's saying. I hear this type of sentiment often. His story is like many others. The big house, nice cars, Facebook-worthy trips, status-driving titles, trendy wardrobes, and the day-to-day lifestyle to put a cherry on top. It's fun. It's alluring. It makes people feel a certain way about you. Ultimately, though, it's empty.

Not everyone has this moment of clarity where they realize, in the harsh words of this podcast listener, "it's all crap." Some people will live nearly their entire lives believing the materialistic ways of our society are the eventual ticket to happiness and fulfillment. But for the many who receive a harsh wake-up call, it can be disorienting and agonizing. To realize most of what you've been chasing for years (or decades!) was a fool's errand is a humbling experience. It can be tremendously painful, and I walk alongside many families in this stage of their journey.

It's not all bad news, though. Quite the contrary! These moments of clarity, though painful, offer a fresh start and a new fork in the road to pursue something different.....something better. I'll give you a glimpse into what often happens in the immediate aftermath of these awakenings:

  • An aggressive pursuit of work that matters.

  • More intentionality to spend time with those they love most.

  • A significant increase in generosity.

  • A shift from spending on things/stuff to memories/experiences.

  • Less focus on the future and more on living in the present.

  • More contentment.

  • More joy.

  • Oh yeah, and more meaning.

I feel bad for what this man is enduring, but I'm equally excited for what's to come. This next season will surely be his best (and most challenging) one's going to be awesome! Regardless of where you are on your journey today, I hope you find this same type of clarity and all the richness that spawns from it. It's so tough, yet so beautiful.


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