The 3-Pare Challenge

These last few months have felt like a whirlwind. It's not necessarily because I'm too busy, but rather because I'm too busy with too many different things. I'm notorious for overcommitting myself. I habitually say "yes" to all sorts of awesome and unique opportunities. I learned that the more unique opportunities we say "yes" to, the more unique opportunities avail themselves to us. These are inherently good things. They allow us to use our giftedness, passion, influence, relationships, experience, and resources to make a difference. At the heart of it, I'm just saying yes to fantastic things for earnest reasons.

One problem. There can be too much of a good thing. I've spent the past 15 years having too much of a good thing(s). Whenever I hit that point, I eventually recognize that a) I'm completely burned out, b) I'm not able to give my best, and c) not all of these endeavors are the right place for me to be in this season.

Several years ago, my friend Dan could sense I was significantly overwhelmed by all I had placed on my plate. In an effort to help me, he challenged me to pare down my plate by getting rid of three things. He gave me a week to do it. I immediately said no, but he's not a take-no-for-an-answer type of guy. He demanded I let go of three things. Reluctantly, I obliged. I stepped away from three things that I genuinely cared about. One was a board position, the other was a volunteer opportunity, and the third was an extra initiative at work. I hated letting them go (they are good things, after all), but I knew deep down Dan was right.

Fast forward a few weeks, and we received a call that would change our lives forever. We were about to become parents to twin baby boys. I was going to become a father! I met Finn and Pax a few days later. Life moves fast, and I'm grateful Dan forced me to pare down my life. Never in a million years would I imagine that's how it would all play out.

This is another season where I need to execute the 3-pare challenge. I just came up with that name....I can't tell if I love it or hate it. Either way, three things must go. My family, my clients, my team, and my ministries depend on it. More than that, I need it to stay healthy. As before, I have no idea what I need to pare. None of it will be easy, but when I figure it out, I know it will be the right thing.

What about you? Do you need to practice the 3-pare challenge? What three things can you let go of. Not so you can make less impact, but rather make more impact on the remaining stuff and stay healthy in the process. I hope you give it a shot. It's scary, but worth it.


___ Months For the Rest of Your Life


When Responsibilities Collide