Playing the Long Game

Last night was one of the greatest days in sports: the NBA Draft. I know, I know, you probably think that sounds ridiculous. I may be in a rare camp with that opinion, but I love the NBA. I especially love the NBA Draft. It's one of those moments where we have the opportunity to watch, in real-time, as young men experience their dreams coming true. They have likely been working for 15+ years, pouring out their blood, sweat, and tears, all leading up to this very moment. It's a beautiful thing!

While most of us probably won't get drafted by a professional sports team, I think we have something to learn from these young men: the value of the long game. What these players have been working for all these years is the opposite of instant gratification. Rather, they poured their souls into their craft, often behind the scenes, in hopes of one day achieving their ultimate goal. There are so many parallels between this and our lives. In a world that says we need to be instantly rewarded for every single act, this idea of delayed gratification flies in the face of our culture.

The best things in life often require the greatest amount of patience. We work, work, work, and work some more, then one day, we get what we finally deserve. It's not always fun, and it can sometimes get frustrating.....painfully frustrating. But that's what work that matters requires of us. We must do the right thing for the right reasons, repeat, and remain patient. Then one day, we get to reap the harvest. It's hard, but simple.

This principle is relevant in all areas of work, money, relationships, and pretty much every area of life. So every time you find yourself getting frustrated at the lack of results, remember some people wait decades to reap the harvest. Your harvest may be just around the corner!


The Silence is Deafening


Congrats on Not Getting the Job