Not All Days Are Created Equal

Sometimes, life feels repetitive. The same rhythm, the same routine, the same responsibilities, the same drives. Even when these things align with your values and mission, the repetitiveness can make us weary at times. But not all days are created equal. Some days just stand out. Some days are different. A special event, meeting someone new, reconnecting with an old friend, starting a new project. These types of days are special, but they wouldn’t be special if it weren’t for the “normal” days. It’s kind of like a vacation. A vacation is a vacation because not every day is a vacation. If every day were a vacation, a vacation wouldn’t be a vacation. Can we make up a new term and just call it the “vacation paradox”?

Today is one of those special days. Easter Sunday. For us, it’s an Easter egg hunt, church, special food, time with our nieces, and extra play time with the boys. Whatever your day looks like, I hope you enjoy it. Don’t take it for granted, but also don’t overlook the importance of the “normal” days. Without them, this special day wouldn’t be special.

Short and sweet today. Enjoy your special day…..and the not-so-special days. Happy Easter, everyone! See you tomorrow.


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